Achieve better health outcomes,
improve efficiency, and reduce risk.

MedMonitor alerts you to health risks, giving you the chance to intervene before they escalate. This allows more time to help patients with issues not easily preventable.

How can we help?

heart over a hand icon= stopwatch, cog and up arrow

Healthier Patients = Improved Efficiency

  • Improved medication adherence
  • Optimized medication use
  • Reduced health risks
  • Less time managing patients’ medications
  • Avoided disease progression
  • Shorter treatment and recovery periods
Hospital icon

Hospitals, health systems, long-term care homes, home care, disease management programs, and many others.

  • Identify high-risk patients so resources are applied where they’re most needed
  • Target programs based on patient criteria or medical conditions, such as the frail elderly, people managing diabetes, or opioid misuse
  • Improve value for spend through optimized medication therapy
  • Reduce healthcare costs by avoiding disease progression
  • Measure performance of healthcare providers and health systems
  • Guide funding decisions using population-level insights
  • Improve system efficiencies and patient outcomes to avoid unnecessary visits, reduce readmissions, and expand capacity
  • Manage employee disability and absence costs by preventing absences and supporting return to work
pharmacist icon

Physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, family health teams, multi-disciplinary teams, and many others.

  • Expert decision support helps avoid health risks by identifying drug therapy problems at the point of prescribing
  • Avoid duplication, contraindications, and interactions in the case of multiple prescribers
  • Reduce practice and business risk by lowering the potential for errors
  • More efficient processes allow capacity to care for more patients

How it works

HumanisRx uses MedMonitor Pro, a customizable and scalable platform that helps find and resolve medication and other health-related problems. Our algorithms work in the background to keep your patients well.

clipboard with pills

Step 1: Gather Data

Patient medication history feeds into MedMonitor Pro.

computer and magnifying glass

Step 2: Ongoing Real Time Scans

Hundreds of clinical algorithms analyse the data.

computer with alert report

Step 3: Generate Alerts

Potential problems are identified, triaged, and reported.

Types of Alerts

MedMonitor uses advanced software that analyzes medication histories to identify medication therapy problems and health risks. The software uses algorithms drawn from clinical guidelines and scientific resources. Algorithms cover common chronic diseases and special areas such as pain management, opioid use, and medication use in the elderly. Resolution efforts are prioritized to those most in need of intervention.

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Clipboard with medical chart icon

Gaps in Care

Pills icon


Computer monitor with charts and data


Gain insights about the hidden health risks
residing in your patient population.

Contact us today to receive a MedMonitor
analysis of your population at no cost.

Your comprehensive report will tell you how much risk you carry and what you can do about it.

Powered by Innovasium